The mister men are pleased to announce their new story Jabiru Turd Polishers
will be out soon.
Keep checking back.
Meantime, why not take a look at the latest offering from CARDFIGHTBACK
the mister men
ps We're being watched. It's freaked us out. You got us scared, Jabiru!
Phew. It's hard work being an IP address in Jabiru these days.
I better take some stress leave.
Have you ever worked in a place where it seemed like the jerks always seemed to rise to the top? Well, you’re not imagining it. According to a new study from the University of Buffalo School of Management workplace bullies are often rewarded and promoted above their more civilized coworkers.
The researchers define the bullying behaviour as “systematic aggression and violence targeted towards one or more individuals by one individual or by a group.” In other words, singling out and picking on specific people in a deliberately intimidating manner. And people exhibiting this behaviour are likely to receive high evaluations from their bosses and reach greater levels of career success.
So why is such unpleasant behaviour being rewarded? The study also found that workplace bullies are savvy enough to charm their superiors and manipulate upper management into supporting them, at the same time as they act abusively to their coworkers.
The report says that bullies are “able to strategically abuse co-workers and yet be evaluated positively by their supervisor.” Sneaky.
Few victims of workplace bullying ever report the incidents out of fear of retaliation or of creating the impression with management that they themselves are not team players and can’t get along. It is this silence in the face of aggression that allows bullies to get away with their anti-social behaviour and even to thrive.
The plot thickens. The Jabiru story has only just begun. And so have the mister men.
We note a second contingent of human resources turd polishers arrive today (Wednesday) with Christine Connors, pseudo manager - but don't get your hopes up - its another victim blaming exercise. That's already been confirmed to us.
Back soon. Plenty more on Jabiru to come.
the mister men
meantime, check out how popular we are in Jabiru!
On second thoughts, maybe I'll just go to Bali instead and leave Bingo Wings to it.
If I keep really still and don't move my arms then no one can see my bingo wings |
After all, I've been really busy. Yeah, Bingo Wings will cope.
On the other hand, if I move my arms,,,, |
How it plays in Jabiru.
Career destruction: tips and techniques.
Bully claims, 'I'm the real victim here'. Takes stress leave. Boo!
Another sorry chapter in the bullying saga, management conspiracy to target and destroy certain health professionals by way of false allegations, malicious gossip and HR cover up.
This time its at Jabiru.
No wonder they are desperate for staff . Why risk your sanity and registration working for the twisted liars who run remote health?
Don't know who we are talking about? Plenty do, and not just the victims.
Look at this from a nurse coordinator posted on facebook two weeks ago,
We are not surprised.
The mister men are going to name the perpetrators in the Jabiru scandal. We never started this fight. We exist only from the sense of real desperation clinicians feel as a result of the nasty little games that remote management play on their staff.
The problem the management have with us is that they cannot control us and we are not scared of them. Our business is sharing the truth.
HR - do not EVER trust them.
Meantime, look who's watching us all the way from the U S of A,
Couldn't keep away even on their holidays. But we saw you looking.
Looks like they relocated after the midnight flight from Sydney to LAX. You cannot keep away from this compelling read, can you?.
How was the cruise?
Bullying levels have reduced since you have been away.
(See you back at the ranch on October 18th.)
As our regular readers would already be aware the mister men are avid supporters of a national group aimed at reducing vexatious and often malicious allegations being reported to our health regulator AHPRA.
The group HPARA have recently been instrumental in getting the issue into the national press earlier this month. The Lateline programs can be seen
False and vexatious allegations cause immense damage in any walk of life and in the health professions have led to clinician suicide. Dr Richard Emery a spinal surgeon came very close to ending his life last year when a bullying mob of surgeons attacked him via the ahpra notification system.
The system is flawed and open to abuse as this open letter written by Dr Don Kane highlights:
But as we'll will show in part four the Jabiru Turd Polishers are not averse to dropping an ahpra bomb and ruining the careers of erst while nurses at the clinic.
These are dark times, in which the propaganda of deceit touches all our lives. It is as if reality in the health department has been privatised and illusion legitimised. If they say it, it's true. If you say it, it's a lie. If they make a false allegation about you, it's true. If you make a true allegation about being bullied, they will cover it up and tell you to fuck off. Then if you attempt to take it further, they hide, like the cowards they are behind policies, the ones they conveniently forgot to apply when they targeted you or a colleague.
We know. We know all about Jabiru. We know what has gone on there and excused as management for years. We know about the false allegations, the lies, the fights in the local shop, the petitions, the abusive semi literate emails and the cover ups.
Forget about 'tell Len'. That, as the CARDFIGHTBACK team have shown lately is a fantasy, an illusion of fairness. Len hands out jobs to his CLP mates, such as Dan Bourchier's boyfriend. And he has offered jobs to others too in an effort to silence to criticism and cover up the injustice inside the department.
The illusion that Bourchier's partner is in any way qualified or experienced to work in a fledgling domestic violence unit was legitimised by one person; your CLP CEO Len Notaras who can thank his good mate Phil Brennan for not keeping his mouth shut about it..
Thanks again to CFB for putting us all straighty-one-eighty.
There are of course no "special measures" in place when it comes to handing out jobs to Len's under qualified mates from the CLP and the media.
But, when it's a committed worker who has slogged their guts out for 4 years and has a track record of success in a community, has a very young family and served this country's armed forces, placing his life on the line to keep us all safe, then special measures are applied and out you go.
Mere coincidence that our hero had a few rows with the clinic manager's wife, herself installed under highly questionable circumstance?
We think not.
Before we dive into the detail, let remind ourselves of the words of another well known practitioner of the dark art of health department truth economics;
Of course, what they say and what they do are two completely different and diametrically opposed matters.
If it were any other way, Walford would shop herself in for lying to former health minister Lambley about a highly performing and popular health department general manager who ultimately successfully sued the health department last year and received a substantial settlement.
A false report about the manager was manufactured for the minister by Leonie Katekar and ordered both in content and form by the dishonest Walford, following FOUR petitions objecting to an enforced transfer of the popular GM, one of which found its way to Alison Anderson.
The deceitful plot was uncovered when the dishonest ministerial report was sent in error to the person's partner.
And when it comes to application of the code of conduct to themselves or their mates, the likes of Notaras and Walford or Katekar, there will be no stamping out of inappropriate behaviour.They are at it all of the time.
So it's double standards for those at the top. They don't have to follow the same rules as the rest of us.
Proof once again, if ever it was required from what we know already that the health department is run by a parasitical class of second rate public sector managers and not the elected political class.
Our current political masters such as old Bonehead himself John Elferink might be completely useless but they were given a mandate. If they can't rely on the directors to tell the truth to them then there is no hope.
Poor old elf, currently sulking following a public ticking off from the new prime minister and being given the boot from the white ribbon foundation, but when he reflects on his health department managers we should forgive him if he thinks,
What a pack of abject liars.........
because that is exactly what they are.
Meanwhile the clinic manager jabiru is now under investigation for alleged salacious and mean spirited comments made about his former HLE. Here's some news for the investigator/cover up/turd polisher/HR person;
It's not the first time he has spread false and malicious gossip about his staff sleeping with each other or others, as if it was his business anyway one way or the other.
Its pretty disgusting all round.
And then in a twist that only a manager at the NT department of health could work up, he then flicks out a semi literate email to the HLE accusing him of defamation and banning him from entering the clinic.
We just love those righteous double standards.
We'll have that email up for all to examine next time in Part Five folks. It was carefully packaged and sent to us from Jabiru presumably from one of the ten staff members we were told who have recently raised concerns with the joke HR department visit out there. Imagine leaving such an abusive email lying around in hard copy in the clinic. tut tut tut.
in the meantime please do not forget to pay your union fees;
back soon to complete the picture
the mister men
The mister men introduce part five of our jabiru turd polishers story with a quote.
Typically, we'll hear the term “eliminationist” in association with massacres and genocides. The eliminationist instinct captures a facile ability to regard other human beings as objects to be tormented or brutally excised.
When this form of dehumanization surfaces on a mass scale, it fuels some the worst outrages in human history.
In addition, manifestations of the eliminationist instinct are hardly limited to large-scale horrors. They may appear in the workplace as well. True, the perpetrators are not mass killers, but their actions embody an easy ability to dehumanise others.
Lacking empathy for their targets, they ply their trade with words and bureaucratic actions, rather than with weapons or instruments of physical torture.For some workplace aggressors, bullying someone out of a job isn’t enough. In addition, they must find ways to continue the torment even after a target has left or is about to leave the aggressor’s place of employment.
If the aggressor is the target’s former supervisor, these behaviours may include ongoing efforts to sabotage the target’s attempts to obtain new employment either within the same organisation or elsewhere.
Common examples are innuendo-filled whisper campaigns spread through a professional or vocational network and maliciously negative references presented as “opinion” rather than “fact” in order to pre empt bullying claims.
The aggressor’s goal? To blackball(others might say blacklist) the target out of a career and to undermine his or her ability to earn a livelihood by way of presentation of false, vague or outrageous claims as stated fact.
Here is a perfect example of such a campaign:
Blackballing is a prime form of eliminationist behaviour.It also is hard to detect and trace, because it typically occurs under the cloak of confidentiality and private communications. It's also common for the perpetrator to hide behind privacy legislation if the target applies for information via the Information Act.
This is a feature of the style of bullying that occurs within the NT health department and particularly within its top end remote health branch. Gossip, innuendo and falsity become 'truth' and 'fact'. Ever more senior clinicians and managers become involved in the process of solidifying false rumour and innuendo into 'reality'.
These managers will often collude to straighten out their stories to ensure that the evidence stacks up.
And, as this grossly offensive email above demonstrates, it is immediately and deliberately spread across the organisation into various departments and up through the lines of senior management.
Try applying for a position with something like that on record. Try explaining that it is wholly false and malicious without sounding like a troublemaker.
This is a standard tactic in remote health. No one further up the chain has the time to intervene and investigate properly and so the damage and harm that comes from it remains on record.
Sadly, the target of this technique was forced out of his position which he held for four years. Further damaging rumours were spread that he was having an illicit affair with a colleague. The mister men understand that the colleague can also expect to be targeted for more more abuse from the clinic manager and his wife.
The aim is to destabilise and cause as much harm as possible to the target.
And this tactic has been used before in respect of other workers driven out of their positions in Jabiru. It is done with the implicit support of more senior managers and is part of the palette of abusive tactics meted out by remote health to their targets.
We have plenty to say about that. In the meantime, watching you watching us, watching you Jabiru;
Bullying targets often put the pieces together when they encounter abnormal but consistent difficulties in their job applications, such as selection processes that would be expected to go very well until the prospective employer started to contact people not on their reference list.
Blackballing also may be at play when applications for jobs where the target is very qualified are repeatedly met with "radio silence".
Overcoming malicious blackballing is a product of perseverance and certain pieces falling together in the right way. It takes a lot of hard work to make the argument and there needs to be an expectation with the NT health department that the human resource officers will do all in their power to protect the bullying manager from being exposed for what they are and what they do.
The two independent workers' surveys undertaken by the mister men confirm this. HR will find any way possible to avoid a fair outcome. Our results show that the following tactics will be utilised;
- MASSIVE delay in any investigatory process.
- TIPPING OFF the manager behind the scenes.
- AN IMPLIED THREAT that to complain will result in further bullying, false allegations, smear and rumour.
- IGNORING the complainant in the hope that they will give up and go away.
- BIASED outcomes and processes to the advantage of the bully/organisation/manager.
- TRIVIALISING the effects of the attack by management upon the target.
This why the mister men consistently say - DO NOT TRUST THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. EVER.
The mister men have been watching events at Jabiru unfold with a sense of knowing "told you so" certainty. A while back one of our own deer friends got stuck there for a spell and alerted us to strange happenings and all round general weirdness.
Our friend is an attractive, confident, strong, independent female used to dealing with unwanted attention from males willing to chance their luck. But in terms stronger and decibels higher than might be conveyed down at the local building site she described in colourful detail the downright all round creepyness of the remote nurse of the year 2015 (it was a fix in our humble view).
She highlighted the touching; tap tap tappy tappity tap. The constant feeling of eyes feasting upon her while she tried to take her job seriously and do it properly and finally, her unsuccessful attempts to avoid the final creepy goodbye and thank you hug as she left.
She said she felt like vomiting.
On arrival back in Darwin she verbalised her concerns and was told by the manager she spoke to that if she wanted to work in the top end again to keep her mouth shut.
Another we know did not keep quiet. Two weeks after her contract ended she was told she would never work in the top end again.
Before we move on to Part Seven, we'll leave Part six behind with a little quote. It came from we cannot remember, but we think it is relevant to the dynamic down at Jabiru at present;
Bullies as victims
Workplace bullies sometimes claim to be the victims of workplace bullying. And the smartest aggressors often are experts at doing this. The typical scenario is when bullying targets retaliate or act impulsively toward their aggressor(s) out of exasperation, fear, or anger. That response provides reason for the aggressor(s) to claim victim status. The target is put in the crazy making position of having to explain/defend his actions and being on the defensive.
In a 2013 article, David Yamada attempted to distinguish between
1. Standard workplace bullying;
2. What he called “puppet master” bullying; and
3. Genuine mobbing.
Here’s how he characterized “puppet-master” bullying:
In these situations, a chief aggressor’s power and influence over a group of subordinates may be sufficient to enlist their participation in mistreating a target, creating what looks and feels like a mob.
Genuine workplace mobbing occurs when the malicious energy is shared among the many, who proceed to go after the few. …regardless of its origins, this is now a mob, with individuals owning that animus in ways that fuel each other’s antipathy toward the target.
This is exactly what happens within the bullying paradigm in remote health. If anyone has been inside Casuarina Plaza for example it will only take a few hours before you start to hear the negative and nasty comments swirl around about the soon to be or current target. Admittedly things were worse when Rhonda Powell and her merry crew were ensconced in the building. In those days, the office was more akin to a war room as dastardly plans were hatched detailing how the latest hapless victim was to be attacked.
And indeed, how.
We'll be back later with the stories that detail the misery caused by the bullies who think nothing of destroying careers and making corrupt decisions.
the mister men
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHa! What Are you trying to do? Kill HEALTH HOUSE with anticipation???????
ReplyDeleteHHAAHHA!!!! I bet a certain unnamed HR Director (and her Husband (works at Health like everyone else - i use the word 'works' very loosely)) are checking on the blog hourly!!
As is her clueless boss and a Associate who apparently is a foremost expert in rolling out Payroll systems!
Well known to many. Inappropriate hugging touching and looking of female staff. Uncomfortable, weird place. Proof that if you complain they get you with reprisal action or possibly worse. Agency staff have known for years and try not to go back if it can be helped.
ReplyDeleteDone to a friend of mine at Jabiru and the managers in Darwin laughed at the distress it caused her while she tried to save her registration. I'm pleased that this man is being exposed for what he does to his staff.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Jabiru for 7 years......and that man is a absolute disgusting liar.....he has already fired staff on the basis of his own lies....His wife is as bad as him...he is also responsible for mismanaging a good friends health....and now that friend is deceased..he had to move back to WA, because the idiocy of the Staff in Jabiru...and I did also, moved my records after sealing them..after hearing of details of my illness were spread around town....and moved my records to sad for Jabiru to have these two parasites in the town...
DeleteBingowings - beautiful mister men.
ReplyDeleteSince the appalling news has been plastered across the media about the bullying and cover up[ culture, if anything the department is covering up even more. I totally admire what you are doing and I hope you keep it up. We are still in the dark days of false allegations, manipulative and destructive management and zero support for staff. Forewarned is forearmed. THANK YOU.
ReplyDeleteGreat to have a group willing to expose the bullying in remote health. The useless and incompetent management has gone on there for years, protected by a nasty HR department who do the covering up.
ReplyDeleteCardfightback updated their post. In stitches!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see that management are looking after the bullying Husband and Wife team at the clinic, giving them stress leave and whisking them away for some well earned rest and relaxation while the victims are left short staffed, driven into the ground and trudging through the turd....Good work Bingo Wings. Maybe you should bring them back and have them work in the clinic by themselves.
ReplyDeleteI dont understand the local MEDIA! This crap is going on and in the paper theirs cat stuck in a tree type stories. What has the Government got over the local media, besides controlling advertising expenditure?
ReplyDeleteThe sleazy sexual innuendo jibes and gossip directed to managers about staff, talk about hung up. I won't easily forget my daughter calling me in tears when she worked there. I say to those who think this is a tad tough well imagine if this a member of your family attacked in this way. I reckon the management forget that the people they bully have families who care for them.
ReplyDeleteBetrayed by an organisation who have a responsibility to treat their staff fairly and cover up the bullying. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteloving yer work. when the GM got removed the joint fell into chaos as one useless replacement after another was tried and failed. Cardfightback is excellent this week too.
ReplyDeleteShame on them.
ReplyDeleteThe more I surf the internet looking for interesting commentary about the workplace, the more I’m convinced that kindred spirits are arriving at roughly the same place, often following different paths to get there. Themes such as integrity, fairness, dignity, and work ethic recur with encouraging repetition, and they appear to transcend geographic regions, vocations, personal demographics, and political orientations. Amidst the doom and gloom of today’s northern territory department of health headlines, we see signs of an emerging consensus about the need for better workplaces.
DeleteThe term “sadist”- a person who gets pleasure by causing others to suffer- has been very present in my mind as an appropriate descriptor for this bully boss. The term/phrase you use would be the end game for the sadist; an economic assasination as “the cherry on top” of the mental, emotional and physical injuries.
ReplyDeleteI can say that the fantastic losers at Remote Health Management go way beyond Blacklisting you and handing out negative references! No, any employer can do that! Just to push the bullying envelope, they look up your LINKEDIN account to see where your currently working and then proceed to devastate your career their. If you have left the NTG Health Dept and your a Medical type person, your not hard to find. I recommend you delete your LINKEDIN account, via MYHR change both your mailing and home address in PIPS (the Payroll System) to a PO BOX or to a non-Government employed friends place. Make sure your Emergency contacts dont reflect your address. If your heeding the "Do No Harm" creed, best thing is to stop people applying for work at Bulling HQ,located at 2C, CAS PLAZA, Casuarina.
ReplyDeleteAfter you've done all that, keep checking Facebook in case Phil Brennan has made a page about you. 'cause that worked for him before......
DeleteThat Brennan is a real tough guy.
See the whole lot here:
“Blacklisting” of healthcare professionals is particularly insidious in the NT, where public healthcare means there is no alternate employer for many. Public sector unions such as the NT ANMF and the AMA under the hopeless shrink Parker have not yet mounted a defence of their bullied members. We already know that health care environments are high risk for bullying, and the institutions that suffer are not yet motivated to address it…even where legislation exists. I don’t expect we’ll really see much improvement until the public truly understands the scope of the problem, its cost to taxpayers, and risks to the public needing care.
ReplyDeleteGovernment is too busy trying to secure the public’s trust in our institutions thanks to the useless Elferink to admit there are significant problems.
Good work mister men.
doctor bollocks
When we get more time to collect them, the mister men will write a post on the arguments that opponents of workplace bullying laws are making to oppose extending legal protections to those who have been severely mistreated at work. Not all of these arguments are without merit, but one of the most misguided claims is that a workplace bullying law would impose a “civility code” on employees and would allow people to recover damages for every little unpleasant exchange at work.
DeleteNothing could be further from the truth. Workplace bullying, as the mister men have come to see it defined, is deliberate, targeted and often malicious.
This is much more than a legal argument. We must remember that severe workplace bullying is a form of psychological torture. This is borne out by the findings contained in an important 2006 article published in the Management Communication Quarterly (citation below). Communications professors Sarah Tracy, Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik, and Jess Alberts examined how bullying targets perceived their experiences and found that targets’ narratives “were saturated with metaphors of beating, physical abuse, and death.”
One target reported feeling “maimed” and “character assassinated,” while others used terms such as “‘beaten,’ ‘abused,’ ‘ripped,’ ‘broken,’ ‘scarred,’ and ‘eviscerated’.” The bullying process was described alternatively as a “game or battle,” a “nightmare,” “water torture,” and a “noxious substance.” In describing themselves, targets used terms such as “slave or animal,” “prisoner,” child with “an abusive father,” and “heartbroken lover.”
Citation: Tracy, Sarah J., Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela and Alberts, Jess K. (2006). Nightmares, Demons, and Slaves: Exploring the Painful Metaphors of Workplace Bullying. Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2.
I have been in Jabiru for over 10 years and know the L & R well. And let me tell you this. L has been fired from every job she has ever had in town for Bullying and R is obsessed with being the "good guy" they will absolutely of convinced themselves that they are victims (again) somehow. Time to go R & L. The way you have handeled yourselves is disgraceful.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more.....He is sleazy, a bully and a bare faced Liar, who tries to lie his way out of everything whilst plastering a slickly smile on his face. Both are using 'stress' as an excuse for more pity, they are so self obsessed they cannot see the disgraceful way they have behaved....I know both, I dislike both intensely due to their mis management and bullying behaviour..
DeleteI am in Darwin and have heard the that the new lifestyle educator smokes, drinks and drives and is over weight. Is this true?? Also is friends with the husband/ wife team. Would not surprise me as I know the clinic.
ReplyDeleteThat is correct. Dismissed from GAC for it. And a fatty too.
DeleteCurse of the Wings, strikes again.
DeleteLooks like all the keyboard warriors are happy to continue the character assassination of someone who has done nothing other than apply for and win a job. Good work from the Jabiru crew.
DeleteTo above...It sounds like you might be a NTGOV employee, well as an NTGOV employee you surely would know its against code of conduct to comment on these blogs??? EVERYONE knows that the current HLE is as much a victim here as the rest... Just another pawn of the R & L and Upper Managers game of using the Special Measures employment to oust someone they don't like... Isn't that racism too??? To use someone's Aboriginal Status to serve their own purposes!!!
DeleteFollowing legitimate channels does not work. We work for an org that covers everything up and fills senior posts with undeclared conflicts of interest. Today's NT News highlights yet another one between the medical director and his partner who works for ahpra as an investigator AND sits on the new board.
DeleteThe entire department is corrupted by similar relationships.
I have heard the fella who got the job was not even interviewed. No one was interviewed, there was no winning a job you idiot. All he did is meet minimum criteria. A first aid cert, ochre card and of course have 3/5 of FA indig blood. Well done
DeleteThat is correctly
DeleteWhen we get more time to collect them, the mister men will write a post on the arguments that opponents of workplace bullying laws are making to oppose extending legal protections to those who have been severely mistreated at work. Not all of these arguments are without merit, but one of the most misguided claims is that a workplace bullying law would impose a “civility code” on employees and would allow people to recover damages for every little unpleasant exchange at work.
ReplyDeleteNothing could be further from the truth. Workplace bullying, as the mister men have come to see it defined, is deliberate, targeted and often malicious.
This is much more than a legal argument. We must remember that severe workplace bullying is a form of psychological torture. This is borne out by the findings contained in an important 2006 article published in the Management Communication Quarterly (citation below). Communications professors Sarah Tracy, Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik, and Jess Alberts examined how bullying targets perceived their experiences and found that targets’ narratives “were saturated with metaphors of beating, physical abuse, and death.”
One target reported feeling “maimed” and “character assassinated,” while others used terms such as “‘beaten,’ ‘abused,’ ‘ripped,’ ‘broken,’ ‘scarred,’ and ‘eviscerated’.” The bullying process was described alternatively as a “game or battle,” a “nightmare,” “water torture,” and a “noxious substance.” In describing themselves, targets used terms such as “slave or animal,” “prisoner,” child with “an abusive father,” and “heartbroken lover.”
Citation: Tracy, Sarah J., Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela and Alberts, Jess K. (2006). Nightmares, Demons, and Slaves: Exploring the Painful Metaphors of Workplace Bullying. Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2.
But remember, one man's bullying is another man's bullying.
Delete= subjective.
Not when the evidence exists, no, it is not subjective.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease please please swamp this Health Dept in the Fair Work Commission for bullying, for starters. Every one of us can submit a claim, minimal cost, minimal effort, do it online, take each other as support, represent ourselves, publish the results, names, tactics of the opposition.....lets do them! Bury them in paperwork, legal costs, stress. Start to play them at their own game.
ReplyDeleteBeing a long time Jabiru resident and after working at the Clinic in question, it took me a while to get over my anger and reply...This Male (R) is a liar, power hungry, and gets rid of anyone who does not agree with him....He also Mismanaged a friends health, and mine also...I sealed my records and had them moved to My New GP in darwin whom, after I had spoken with for an hour, was so astounded he called the clinic, gave them a piece of his mind and told me it was 'madness' in a remote area to have this nonsense going on in a remote clinic...that was 2009!!!...he also fired a lady based on another lie.....a lady I he could get control of the pharmacy...His wife is exactly like him..I suggest maybe people check his previous employment (where he was moved on due to his behaviour with female staff)...He sickens me....he was notorious for ridding the area of unwanted 'male' staff.....he was also ridiculed by the mine when he turned up on tri service training with flip flops n shorts .......(on a plane crash)...he was found to be wanting even then....
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad that people like this (R & L) bully, lie and manipulate so much that they get competent nurses de-registered, when they are the ones so incompetent that they shouldn't be employed. But instead of dealing with it they get rewarded by management not only with a all expenses paid stress leave break for being bullies but one also gets the nurse of the year.
DeleteI wonder who's back he is scratching in the middle of the night...wink wink nudge nudge.
Couldn't agree more.....I reported a serious breach in protocol...and after that, it became intolerable to even take my children into that place..once labelled a 'trouble maker' it was downhill from there. He was, during my time there, a sly one, oiling up all the locals that would give him advantage and destroying the names of those that spoke out against either himself and the clinic..he was an Empire builder...and he was openly critical of people and patients in front of others.I was there on several occasions. He was condescending and rude...his wife caused so much upset everywhere she went....This is not rumour, its FACT...BUT on saying that the NT health dept's stance on bulling is pathetic, I know first hand there is a massive problem with it in Darwin and in fact one of the biggest Bosses..The Path manager is so Loathed because of it, his staff (past and previous) have a record amount of people with stress leave...and at this point 3 are in major legal cases due to him, and I know 2 of the people personally...their cases have now dragged on for Years, they get nothing but scorn pathetic attempts for them to resign or be quiet and go away...NOTHING is done about the incompetence of the Managers in question...I saw it in Alice, Darwin, Gove, Groote....sigh!..jabiru was awful....the clinic had so many good people usual, once an empire builder all falls down..and Management don't do anything till its all too late....Its pathetic and to me, criminal....His whole being disgusts me....there are a few instances that happened in jabiru that if they come to light, a few will lose Jobs.....
DeleteShare please
DeleteSo this guy has to go simple solution is police.
ReplyDeleteAny inappropriate unwanted touching is sexual assault so no hr no managenent can stop the legal system. I read the suggestion of a class action and i agree we cant expect things to be fixed a legal challenge is the only way
Totally agree. Anything outside of the control of HR/Health Dept/Govt control is already a winner in my book. Rack up 'em charges, watch the ejector seat button get pushed.
DeleteI have known R for 6 years. Have worked with him. He always comes across as friendly and likeable. But I must say this. Where ever he goes, there is SMOKE if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteI defiantly know what you mean. Apparently back from stress leave on Monday. What a wuss. The rest of the clinic is working there ass off to cover for the stressed out husband wife team. I know many who work at the clinic, the ones who have not abandoned ship are true professionals.
DeleteWe are particularly enjoying the abusive messages we are receiving directed at us. We have received some beauties. We have placed them with other abusive stuff we have received in respect of other stories. Its our intention to publish them all as a story when we get a moment. If you wish to abuse, be our guests. Thanks.