Saturday, 10 October 2015




The mister men were galvanised into action this morning upon the release of the latest scandal to rock Australia’s Worst Health DepartmentTM.

We'll readily admit, the galvanisation process was slow today as we reveled in the superb rugby world cup victory gained on enemy soil in Twickenham, London. 

After the Ashes humiliation, revenge was needed and it was savored and it was sweet. When it comes to sporting endeavor, everyone hates England. They may have built this country, given us our legal and parliamentary systems, a language, be a close military ally and many of us may have poms as mates and even as family members. But when it comes to sport, we hate them and they hate us. At least for as long as it takes to beat them. Then we'll let them buy us a beer.

However, like the well oiled, well drilled and supremely functioning machines we are, the mister men (eventually) sprung into action.

Right across the territory the hum of laptop fans could be heard as we went about our mission with the zeal that you have come to expect from us. 

Early afternoon, we broke off from our delegated tasks to hold a discussion to ensure we were on schedule. Apart from a few elements we were more or less on target for a release later in the day. 

But, the NT News caught us out cold again. Rats!

This time although we were playing catch up we did so with the anticipation of bringing new news to the story that smashed the opposition apart.

So we dug in a bit deeper and this is what we have come up with. 

ABC as always, were no where on this and neither were we.

But we were determined not to come third in the battle of the also rans. We think we have succeeded.

We are talking, of course, about this;


It seems that Diane Walsh, partner of a remote doctor by the name of Heggie has a conflict of interest. She's an investigator for AHPRA along side her stellar career as a professional 'health consumer'.

What's going on here?

Who is Diane Walsh?

What's a 'health consumer?'

We decided to dig in a bit more.

First stop AHPRA.

Those great national regulator cats AHPRA publish a handy three page Legal Practice Note on conflicts of interest.

And here it is:

Apparently, according to this fine document, we are told there is a board members manual;

The Guidelines for Board and Committee members about how to manage conflict of interest appear in Appendix 5 to the Board Members Manual. On Page 44 of the Manual, conflict of interest is defined.

And here is the definition of a conflict of interest:

A conflict of interest is a conflict between public duty and private interests which could influence the performance of official duties and responsibilities. A reasonable perception of a conflict of interest is where a fair minded person, properly informed as to the nature of the interests held by the decision maker, might reasonably perceive that the decision maker might be influenced in the performance of his or her official duties and responsibilities”.

 To us that sounds simple enough to grasp.

 Before we move on, allow us to bore you with another quote:

In essence, a conflict of interest concerns a conflict (whether actual, potential or perceived) between the person’s public duty and any private interest. 

The following are types of potential and perceived conflicts of interest:
  1. Benefiting from who or what you know: a person or their family member may receive a financial or other significant benefit as a result of their position on a Board or in AHPRA;
  2. Undue Influence: when a person has the opportunity to influence the business of the Board or AHPRA in a manner that leads to personal gain or advantage or the advantage of another entity or professional association; or,
  3. Compromised judgement and decision making: when a person has an existing or potential financial or other significant interest that impairs or might appear to impair independence in the discharge of their responsibilities to the Board or AHPRA.

So what were the NT News talking about when it comes to Walsh?

Firstly, it seemed as if they were saying she was carrying out investigations for AHPRA as well as having a seat on the NT Medical Board.

According to our checks, that would be right. Take a look below;

There she is third from bottom listed as a community member.

And here is the evidence that she also works for AHPRA carrying out investigations;

This image, which we have deliberately blurred is Walsh's signature and AHPRA designation. Obviously, for reasons related to her security we have chosen not to release it as a clear image into the public domain. We copied it from an AHPRA letter she sent to a health department employee she investigated.

That's right. A health department employee she investigated. 

That individual was a clinician working in the same area where Walsh's partner, Heggie is the medical director.

Conflict of interest?

Well, we think so. Because what we found out was that while she may have kept Fat Cat Kalimnios informed (quite possibly breaching the privacy of a clinician under her investigation) she never told the target of the investigation.

That's right. She never said. 'O guess what, my partner is your boss Heggie. Got a problem with that?'

So the target never knew so could never object.

We think that is malfeasant. It's deliberate obfuscation. And of course, its sly.

And what's more, we think anyone employed by the NT health department who has been the subject of an investigation by Walsh has grounds to complain. the complaint should go to the Chief Executive of AHPRA.

His email address is;

We have said before that the NT health department use AHPRA as a means of attacking staff they want to get rid of. We know they do it. We have seen and described how they do it.

And some of the notifications we have seen came from remote health, where Heggie works. And Walsh, his partner was involved in the AHPRA investigation.

Are we barking up the wrong tree?

Tell us if you think we are.

But again, we don't think so. We think this is an incredibly unsafe way for a national health regulator to conduct its affairs.

It is deeply unfair to the target of an investigation. Are there not supposed to be standards applied here?

The article from the NT News went on line on Sunday evening.

The link to it is HERE.

To know that the partner of a senior person in your place of work is investigating you is deeply troubling.

To know that the investigator knows and never told you is extremely worrying.

It raises the evil spirit of BIAS.

We think Walsh's comments are incredibly arrogant and disrespectful to us all. Her comments display a dangerous lack of insight.

She's a busy body do gooder making a fat living from being a 'health consumer'. Is that a profession?

She's an overpaid glorified mystery shopper riding into the health industry on the back of her partner's qualification. She uses her seat on the medical board to attract further seats on other boards portraying herself as some kind of an 'expert'.

Here's another board she now sits on via the New Services Framwork;

In other words, she's now running two hospitals plus all theremote centres in the top end.

And here's another;

Perfectly positioned to carry out her partners instruction. 

So what about these two new additions to the mystery shopper's collections of seats she parks her butt onto?

Any cross polinisation there?

Of course there is. 

Any recusing in the minutes records when matters ahpra are discussed?

We will wager a flagon of cheap mead there is not.

We are supposed to rely on the following;

'The fat cat said it was alright.'
'My mates think I am nice.'

We've dealt before with Kalimnios and his wallet padding ways coupled with his deep seated disdain for clinicians.

But what about friends?

Check this out.

Dancing the night away with another old dodgy mucker Katekar, author of sneaky ministerials on the orders of Walford, and also former director of remote health.

Or this,

Its none other than health executive director Cleary.

Or this,

 It's failed director, remote health and rather useless and spiteful Liar For Hire, Wake recently returned to employment in local government having been handed a job by her predecessor in remote health. Booted from remote for never doing any work following complaints to Melino from her 'colleagues' many of whom refused to be in a room alone with her due to their concerns regarding her lack of honesty.

Ask Melino if we are wrong. He's back in Health House on level 1.

The meeting took place in late July 2013. In August 2013, Wake was transferred out to Health House and her contract run down. In a final display of her contempt toward her colleagues and the health department, Wake stuck up her middle finger to us all and took the last two weeks off sick.
That was after spending at least her last 18 months in remote health taking unauthorized absences but pulling a full time wage falsely claiming to be 'working from home.'

Others were left to do her work for her. 

The complaints from her own management team to Melino included,

- she stalled recruitment by never signing off on recruited positions,
- continually lost paperwork,
- no timeliness on decision making
- lied to the executive,
- tried to scam medicare funding
- created federally funded ghost positions
- and destroyed morale.

We are aware that her unauthorised absences averaged out at about 2 days a week. Frankly, she should have been investigated for fraud. We still wonder why she wasn't.

And it is not as if the executive were not aware. They knew. That's why they shifted her out and put the equally hopeless bit in a different way Katekar in to replace her.

Effectively remote health was led by an alleged thief.

Fraud risk management framework, anyone in remote health?

... Our pleasure.

Wake, as the so called "impartial decision maker' in remote health when it came to allegations against staff is also known to have written findings of guilt against clinicians without even having seen the allegations.





We have seen the evidence. We know it is true.

Things were that bad.

Let's check her linked in page;

Notwithstanding the fact that she was booted out of the health department in 2014 and not 2015, check out the delusions of grandeur.....

So who was right?

Her unregualated self opinionated linked in fantsia claptrap?


The managers who went to Melino to compain about her?


The other concerns we raise.

You decide.

We know who we believe.

So balance that lot out and think you'd fancy your chances for a fair and impartial and totally separate AHPRA investigation free of a conflict of interest just because Walsh said she would make sure it was?

Remember Walsh has been sitting on the medical board since 2013 at least. 

You have got to be joking.

Walsh is ENMESHED in the health department. She is wrapped up in corrupt elements of the health department.

You wouldn't stand a chance.

You'd be back channeled into oblivion sent there on the back of whatever false rubbish they wanted to say about you.

And Walsh would be perfectly placed to ensure it all stuck.



 Just two days ago, this Thursday 8 October, Wake was seen wandering into the health department offices in Block 4. Yes folks, she might be working in local government having been gifted a job by her mate Swanson, but she's already sniffing around the health department that she allegedly robbed blind for years. 

Back to Walsh.

And here is ANOTHER group we think she should join;

The mister men have proof that she has investigated people who worked in the same area as Heggie as well as across the the health department upon who's board she now sits.

We are disgusted. She is insulting us all. Every clinician in the NT should be deeply concerned.

Want more?

Try this;

and this;

The mister men understand that some clinicians have already decided to take action.

We understand the fear in making a complaint in the NT. It leaves the complainant open to reprisal action, especially when her partner is so senior in the ranks of the health department.

So what to do?

Before we go further into that, here's a few readers comments from the NT News article;

remote of nt Posted at 7:20 PM October 04, 2015

And we are surprised that the inept management of remote health would consider this normal well for them it is its just the way they like it they are all inbreeding festering sores sack the lot of them start over but wait then they replace them with rejects from other states solution???? The management of remote needs to be cleaned out and run by a private independent who is not aligned with any of the old guard or any political party. Or better yet give the the jobs to the real people who are working in remote who want change bit to radical i know sad.
Comment 4 of 14

  • nt dave of wider nt Posted at 5:39 PM October 04, 2015
    First the former Police Commissioner in a relationship now a Health Department manager with the investigator relationship. The NT does not deserve this rubbish.
    Comment 1 of 14

    seenitall of humpty doo Posted at 7:17 AM Today
    its perfectly ok to do whatever you want in the territory and ignore the naysayers. Giles and co are living proof and unless someone has a hissy, as happened with our wonderful police commissioner.....everything is just excellent.
    Comment 13 of 14

    RAN Posted at 6:36 PM October 04, 2015
    Gee, what a surprise! The fat cats flourish and the nurses continue to get bullied and brutalised...
    Comment 2 of 14

    Popeye Posted at 8:12 PM October 04, 2015
    It is well known and documented that APHRA, the Health Registration Authority is a common tool used by Bullying NTG Health Managers (ESPECIALLY THE REMOTE HEALTH UNIT!) to lodge complaints against their staff! I hope the dozens of medical practitioners that have had their careers ruined or put on hold lodge a class action. The effing Health Department does things how they like, meanwhile other Departments actually understand what 'PROBITY' and 'Perceived conflicts of interest' mean. 11 Months out from a Election, Surely this is the last straw Minister Elferink? Or has the CLP already conceded defeat and let their CLP mates run amok at Health? That will be 20 years in the wilderness I guess.
    Comment 5 of 14

    remote of nt Posted at 7:20 PM October 04, 2015
    And we are surprised that the inept management of remote health would consider this normal well for them it is its just the way they like it they are all inbreeding festering sores sack the lot of them start over but wait then they replace them with rejects from other states solution???? The management of remote needs to be cleaned out and run by a private independent who is not aligned with any of the old guard or any political party. Or better yet give the the jobs to the real people who are working in remote who want change bit to radical i know sad.
    Comment 4 of 14

    RN on night duty of RDH Posted at 4:24 AM Today
    This is very worrying to all health professionals in the territory. Please sort this out Len before you start losing staff. They will leave if they don't feel safe!
    Comment 8 of 14

    Angry GP of MOIL Posted at 4:33 AM Today
    Unusual for an investigator to sit on the medical board? Its more than unusual. It's unheard of. This is the most outrageous conduct in my view and I hope that this is followed up with the AMA. Completely unethical and beyond description. She has not expressed a shred of concern for the clinicians she investigates and that is frankly insensitive and appalling. I pay $650 a year to maintain my registration as a doctor and it is being spent on wages for people like her. Thanks for publishing this NT News. This is a very good story that doctors all over the NT will take very seriously. The situation is completely open to bullying by the back door. It has to stop and the AMA must insist that it does.
    Comment 9 of 14


    worried GP of Palmerston Posted at 5:38 AM Today
    This is extremely concerning.
    Comment 11 of 14

    Dr Raj Singh of Darwin Posted at 6:03 AM Today
    I'm afraid that this is setting a dangerous precedent and has potential to damage the regulatory system which can only work effectively if it has the trust of the general public. I found the answers she gave a little bit unsatisfactory. The public deserve and health professionals need a reliable watchdog. Trust is the key here and is must be protected at all costs. Elferink also has the authority to step in and remove her from the Medical Board. He was telling the new Labor leader to show some leadership. Show him how its done Elf and remove this person from the NT Medical Board.

    and then MORE came in;

    Bernie Posted at 7:16 AM Today
    Husband and wife power couples at Education? The ex-Police Commissioner and Health Complaints lady & that other lady issue? Half the Health Dept are related? DNA tests are part of the Selection Criteria. The Other Half of the Health Dept are passionately working on creating similiar DNA strands. The Public Employment Commissioner not upholding any Employment Grievances for the last few years? (Thats 17-19000 very well behaved public servants, Mr Allen. Your doing a sterling job, no ones complaining or creating immensely popular blogs or queuing at Industrial Relations Lawyers office. Any plans after August 2016?)


    Pauline Posted at 7:04 AM Today
    @RN of ASH: How dare you diminish Mr Kalimnios name by stating he is NOT a Medical Professional. He is a world NOT to roll out PAYROLL Systems (Which Scalped 2 Ministers and ended the career of several Queensland fat cats!). I bet the local fat cars are double checking his work at The Ivory Tower.


    Smells fishy of Corroboree Posted at 6:32 PM October 05, 2015
    A simple answer, the "special references unit"

    All clinicians working in the NT should be shocked. The mister men are going to continue our inquiries and then report back to you in a few days. We'll keep plugging away fighting corruption and making these greedy parasites accountable for their actions. 
We ask all readers and supporters to share this story as well as the article in the NT News with your colleagues, not only in the NT but across state borders.

If we want change we have to push a little bit for it. Just a small effort on the part of us all will create the circumstance to put a stop to this outrage.

On every board that she is a member Walsh never declares that she is an investigator for AHPRA yet she is happy to claim that she is a mystery shopper on the medical board.

She is using the position to further her career and fatten her wallet. She is dining out in Paris wearing an ill fitting felt hat on the tab of our inflated registration fees.

This has got to stop.

We have options. But before the mister men take any further action, we have devised a simple 8 question survey to assist us to determine what kind of action our loyal followers want us to take.

The questionnaire is completely anonymous.

It will take 1 to 4 minutes to complete.

And you can find it by clicking on the link (QUESTIONNAIRE NOW COMPLETE)

Get involved. For all our sakes.

Don't forget, complete the questionnaire. (NOW COMPLETE)

We will be adding additional information about this scandal during the week so keep checking back to see what is on offer.

We appreciate you sharing us with your colleagues.

Back soon,

the mister men

ps keep on dancing folks

survey results

here are the survey results. 

once again the mister men are proud to announce the results of yet another independent survey. we have thus far independently surveyed 330 clinician employees of the worst health department in australia.  









So there you have it people.

We have taken you on another journey into the hypocritical, murky world of the health department and health regualtion in the northern territory.

It's almost too disgusting to bear, isn't it?

look out for each other

back soon with more health department secrets

the mister men

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