8 AUGUST 2015
You know what its like out there on the internet. Everyone is trying to snatch 5 seconds of fame or peddling dreams like snake oil salesmen back in the day.
Then there's the press:
'Michael Jackson's still alive. He's living next door to Elvis….'
'Len Notaras signed an agreement to double aboriginal employment. He smiled like he meant it...'
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snake oil salesman Teflon Len Notaras |
Which is why the mister men devised the independent northern territory department of health poll: its a unique and more importantly an independent survey of employee opinion in the health department.
In a minute, We'll tell you you what those questions are. And more importantly, what the responses were.
But, first, what have people been telling us? In addition to the mister men blog and the responses we publish, we get a steady stream of email traffic to bully@tutamail.com. We get a lot of what we call 'opinion pieces' giving views mainly on management performance. So before we go into the quantitative data, here are some reviews of a more qualitative sort.
Some are moving, such as this one from Trevor, a former northern territory department of health clinician employee;
'Ever since I returned from the territory I have wondered what it was that I did to deserve being treated so badly. All I did was to attempt to stand up for myself after a manager verbally abused me. I made a complaint following the correct pathway to human resources and from the moment of my first conversation with them, I knew nothing was going to change. In fact things got worse because the HR officer told the person I'd made the complaint about and my world such as it was came crashing down. I stuck around for a month waiting for the investigation from HR to start but whilst I waited things became intolerable, so I packed up my things and resigned.'
Trevor wasn't the only person taking a dim view of the incompetence of the management in the health department. Bernie, a Queensland based GP also got in touch. He told us,
'I worked for four years at XXXXX (remote community, top end). It was fine until XXXXX (a manager still employed at remote health) arrived. She slowly replaced the team with cronies and yes people and gradually isolated me. The new nurses stopped referrals from reaching me and as a result what I considered serious emergencies requiring medical input would be managed without my knowledge. When I complained she accused me of bullying her. The stress she put me under enormous. She knew exactly what she was doing. There was no support from my medical management so I resigned. After that I went to XXXX (remote community Queensland) but I only lasted a few weeks before I broke down with PTSD from the bullying I'd experienced in the NT. Once I recovered I opened a practice and worked alone. What she did to me was sophisticated and carefully planned strategic bullying. And I've no doubt she'd done it before.'
The awful thing is we know she has done it since. We'd go as far to say that she has a modus operandi. About a week after Bernie's email, we received this from Maureen, a nurse in the top end. It's about the same manager:
'I raised concerns with her about a nurse without knowing that it was one of her favoured nurses. That was it. Almost immediately she reneged on an agreement that had been made about my working hours due to my having young children. She stopped me from doing my own work and sabotaged me. I'm just glad I got out before the serious stuff happened. Things were escalating and I became scared for my registration. So I transferred as fast as I could.'
These set the tone for the responses we have received by email from our colleagues. You will have already read similar in the comments submitted along side our previous articles.
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HR; not worth the risk. |
This set the scene and was of interest as we were keen to obtain a broad spread of responses from clinicians from across the organisation.We think our independent survey achieved this aim.
There was also room for comments (below).
The mister men were interested to get some feedback from readers. We are encouraged by the high marks afforded to us by respondents in the survey.
69 out of 80 respondents had dealings with HR. The survey reveals damning criticism. It reveals an organisation that has no concern for its staff. HR are scored and seen as a management tool; biased and lazy/disinterested in respect of resolving complaints.
Given the similarity of expressed concerns in the respondents written answers it is clear that there are deliberate ways in which HR manage complaints. In particular how they deal with complainants and protect management who are most often, as we will see, the perpetrators of bullying in the organisation reveals repeated tactics.
HR tactics include:
1. Delay. This is in anticipation that the complainant will go away,give up, become worn out by the slow process and eventually, drop the complaint.
2. Lack of support.
3. Ignoring complaints.
4. Tipping off the manager who is the subject of the complaint.
5. Taking sides with the manager subject of the complaint.
6. A culture of cover up.
7. Encouraging the complainant not to make a complaint.
These tactics have been successful in influencing the culture of the organisation.
For example,
1. there is a belief that it is better to resign or transfer than to deal with the biased human resources department.
2. there is a genuine fear of reprisal action being taken against complainants.
3. honest and impartial inquiry does not take place.
4. it is better and safer to fly below the radar in respect of human resources.
One effect of these tactics is to reduce complaints and negatively influence accurate measurement of the extent of the problem via management controlled surveys.
For example, the incompetent former health minister Lambley reported last year that there had been 25 bullying complaints.
Yet, currently the mister men hold documentary evidence relating to 102 bullied clinicians and one bullied senior manager.
How can it be that we know more about the problem than they say they do?
The results from our INDEPENDENT survey reveal a more accurate extent of the issues. More honest, we believe, than has ever been revealed and WILL EVER be revealed by the northern territory department of health.
Our results reveal appalling HR conduct and practice. And we don't think they would be acting alone.
We think this comes from the top and we think its about time Teflon Len started walking the walk.
The respondent comments are also extremely alarming;
And some more,,,
And some more,,,,
And again,,,,
There are two thins that a staff member must learn within the culture of the health depaertment in the NT. These are;
1. Never complain.
2. Suggest improvement or change with great caution.
These findings are suggestive of a top down culture which suppresses dissent, doesn't look after its workers and is not interested in any positive improvement unless it comes from above.
Working in the northern territory department of health involves a model of performance that is indicative of oppressive regimes.
It's head down and mouth shut with this lot. As a result good change never comes and the change dictated to from above doesn't line up in the real world of patient care. It suggests that managers don't want to know what that reality is for clinicians and will crush them if they don't toe the line.
We have discussed the finding revealed here in a previous article last week. The readers comments are worth reading if you haven't already done so.
Cronyism is a singularly destructive element within an organisation. It serves as a huge de motivator for committed workers when they see others rewarded on the basis of mateship or political affiliation.
Last week we provided a list of health department bodies now contaminated at the very top by cronyism.
The MERIT principle creates a framework for cronyism to occur. Staff who file a grievance about an unfair appointment into a position always have it quashed by the OCPE. Unfairness is supported right through the organisation.
What interested us was that survey results indicate staff already know it is endemic within the organisation.
And even worse. The structures ostensibly in place to police cronyism, in fact, encourage and support it.
And so does Teflon Len.
Only one respondent had not been bullied. 98.75% of survey respondents had been bullied.
The effects of bullying within the northern territory department of health are worrying to say the least.
72% of targets suffered from sleep problems.
71% of targets sufferedfrom anxiety and/or stress.
A third of targets suffered from depression.
10% suffered from thoughts of self harm or suicidal ideation.
The mister men were dismayed by the results.
They reveal utter contempt toward clinicians who are targeted by bullying, which occurs mainly by the management.
45% of targets resign or ask to be transferred.
Clinicians who work in remote locations are more vulnerable to the negative effects of bullying. Far from home and support from family and friends networks, they can easily be targeted by an unscrupulous manager. This isolation would naturally and obviously lend itself to a target suffering more intensely from it.
It is extremely concerning that 10% of targets consider suicide or other forms of self harm. It gives a sense of the despair targets feel when it happens to them.
The mister men have seen several emails sent by management about their bullied targets. They reveal no concern for the safety or health of bullied clinicians and frequently, a sneering, sarcastic derisory tone.
The survey responses are also indicative of the sense of despair clinicians who are bullied feel.
More than 95% of respondents assessed the leadership of the northern territory department of health as 'poor' or 'terrible'.
Anywhere else this would lead to certain public inquiry.
It is evidence of the effects and consequences of the corrupt structures within the northern territory department of health.
81.25% of respondents have seen their colleagues bullied at work.
Shocking, that bullying is so commonplace isn't it?
A third of survey respondents are being bullied right now. Many will consider suicide as a result of it.
Almost a half of those being bullied will resign or transfer.
Any of them who complain will have their complaint or concerns ignored or not taken seriously by human resources.
Meanwhile management driven cronyism is rampant across the organisation.
Respondent comments (below) paint an ever more bleak picture of the northern territory department of health.
Classic management bullying behaviours are strongly highlighted in our survey.
These include;
1. Being given little or no feedback.
2. Being lied to.
3. Being given unreasonable workloads.
4. Being accused of deliberately making an error.
5. Attempts to turn other employees against you.
Respondent comments below the graph again highlight the sense of despair felt by employees.
For any organisation to incur results such as these from its own workers is shameful.
For a health department to incur them is extremely disturbing. This is of course, information that the northern territory department of health would prefer clinicians not to have. They would prefer to pick individual targets off one by one. That way, targets are more likely to crawl away on the ir hands and knees.
The mister men have been arguing many of these these points since we started this blog. We know we are not the only ones. We hear it every single day at work. Now we have the evidence to share to back it up with this independent survey.
In future, we will add to this discussion, so please keep checking back.
But in the meantime, we would welcome your comments.
For the time being, thanks to the clinicians who responded to our request. We had planned for the survey to be open for three days, but as it was the response was over whelming. We reached our survey target in 24 hours.
As we said, this is the ONLY INDEPENDENT SURVEY ever done.
Now we all know why. These shameful results should serve as a catalyst for change. But we predict they won't. We say with confidence that this is the WORST health department in Australia.
Please share our blog address with your colleagues. It's ntbully.blogspot.com.au
Please support HPARA
Please support the great work at CARDFIGHTBACK
Please note our new email address - bully@tuta.io
the mister men
Innocence until proven guilty applies only to whoever makes the allegations. For the accused, it's guilty until proven otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI am one of the few people I know that has managed to find some resolution for my story of bullying. I will avoid going into specific details of my case here, but suffice to say my life was almost destroyed by a bully and the Nt health department's subsequent reaction to my attempts to free myself from the abuse I faced and to ‘silence’ me.
DeleteIt's stuff like this that make me glad I'm out of that organisation now. The NT health department has become a cesspool.
DeleteSadly, there are plenty more stories to come. We can barely keep up with what we are being told. But to all, please do not stop sending in your material. Exposing the bullying and corrupt conduct of these managers in one place where it can be seen by all is what the mister men project is all about
DeleteI eventually found illicit material had been placed in my personnel file by HR. All of it had been put there without my knowledge, in violation of my right to privacy. Most of that information was either an outright fabrication or a distortion of the truth.Hopeless and nasty organisation.
ReplyDeleteI have been bullied and used as a fall guy for years - I am currently going through a complaint process which feels unwinnable and pointless - they will not stop this culture as people are too scared to stand up.
DeleteI would hope our CEO as a clinician and supposed advocate for the organisation would recognise this. But I seriously have my doubts.
It starts from the top. Notaras wasn't the best person for the job. He was a CLP pick by Elferink. Since then, cronyism has got even worse.
DeleteIts going to get worse! The CLP are worried they will get decimated next election so best start rewarding the party supporters now! Go over to NT Electoral commission website, check out all the political contributions from people in government roles.This is how it works. The scum bag previous ALP lot did the same.
DeleteMy workplace is one of fear, as I have now been thrown back to the lion, who is furious that I attempted to change manager and raise complaints against them, and determined to ‘prove’ that I am a bad clinician. Meetings with them are simply opportunities for derision of myself and my work, and are in no way constructive. More than once I have heard them loudly putting me down to other staff from down the clinic staff kitchen, and from the distance I hear them from I know others can hear as well. People I don’t even know seem to know me or know of me, presumably from this person. As a normally quiet and shy person, this is incredibly intimidating for me.
ReplyDeleteWait it out, and be patient. This was one of the hardest things for me to do. The natural impulse is to speak out against injustice, and inaction feels like condoning the crime. But guilt will prove itself over time. In my case one of the offences committed against me was false allegations in relation to my work. I waited patiently until, so confident was the bully in their ability to get away with what they had done, they eventually slipped up – they sent a document incriminating themselves to a colleague they thought was ‘on side’ with their criminal acts, and who subsequently passed it onto me. With this document I no longer had to ‘prove’ anything, and had no one doubting my claims. Remember that you are in the right, and so you have nothing to be afraid of, because you have nothing to hide. The bully does. That gives you an enormous advantage.
DeleteAlso do not forget the information act. you can get a wealth of information that way.
Want to defend yourself? Go and get your HR file now. If your a NT Public Servant, you are entitled to a copy of your HR file. You want anything involving disciplinary or written warnings! If your ex NTPS you have to file a FOI! Again your not after the plain vanilla DCIS file (pay calculations and commencement forms) your after anything involving disciplinary or written warnings! If you get hammered regarding performance, you can say "Wellll...wheres your evidence?"
DeleteDo not be put off by HR Bimbos...you want a copy of your damn HR File.
Can you imagine the lies they will tell if someone actually does suicide. These managers are pure evil and in it for themselves. It is so corrupt up here. We need an intervention to boot out the management.
DeleteI always thought the intervention got it wrong. Half of the money from it was used to employ another tier of managers anyway.
DeleteExcellent article again mister men. It is long over due that this information is being shared. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteHuman Resources. What a disgrace. Imagine if clinicians scored so low.
DeleteHuman Resources have always been an utter disgrace up here in the NT. I just want to say mister men, keep this up. It is so empowering reading this stuff all in one place. The hypocrites in management are now insisting on THEIR rights. They never gave a toss about clinicians who they have destroyed on the back of hearsay and false allegations. Thank you for being sp brave and blowing the whistle on these creatures.
DeleteI have spoken to many victims of bullying in remote health. EVERYONE I have spoken to has either been told not to complain as the situation will only get worse, or if they have lodged complaints HR has found they are without substance. The fact is, you can not “pretend” psychological injury. The proof therefore exists as medical evidence. If you are found beaten and broken there is no question you have been attacked, and psychological injury is no different.
ReplyDeleteI have been bullied and used as a fall guy for years - I am currently going through a complaint process which feels unwinnable and pointless - they will not stop this culture as people are too scared to stand up.
DeleteThis is a sickness in the establishment and as such the establishment gets what they deserve. It is very difficult to come to terms with this kinds of ethos but in some ways it goes as high as government. As long as large sums of money are being drawn down by ticking boxes that are supposed to indicate that valuable learning has taken place these bullies will conisder themselves justified. In their mind they can forget they work for a health department. They are much more focussed saving for their retirements.
DeleteAbove all, none of us are alone. Take heart. We CAN beat this. We must keep sharing information and insisting on our rights.
ReplyDeleteHear Hear!!! Join together, share everything, fight as a team.
DeleteFOIs, lawyers, recorders, etc.....think like an insurgent, this is a dirty war people, we fight to win!
We will have publicly outed ourselves by the time of the election and we are thinking of putting up a supporter as an anti sleaze Independent candidate in Elferink's ward. We intend to teach him a thing or two about accountabiity and not giving out jobs to his mates.
DeleteDamn right its a dirty war. Don’t be afraid to fight in whatever way is available to you. I achieved justice against my bully by fighting back at them, using the same tactics they did. I learnt to think like the bully. I learnt what would matter to them and how to use that to my advantage. I am ashamed that I did this, and yet I think I would do it again. I spent a long while wondering whether I had become as bad as the bully, had stooped to their level. In the end I know I acted out of nothing more than self-defence, and would never, ever have used these tactics on someone undeserving. Of course, who is to say who is ‘undeserving’? It is a fine line to step around. Perhaps this is a poor lesson in integrity, but it is certainly a lesson in survival. I was able to survive and achieve a measure of justice against a serial bully that ruined the careers and lives of more than half a dozen people, and nearly ruined mine. The official channels didn’t work. Fighting dirty did. Take from that what you will.
DeleteI know about this only too well. I used to work for top end remote health and I endured years of bullying, harassment, and abuse from my departmental superiors. For most of that time, after I brought the matter to its attention, the staff association usually did nothing or turned a blind eye. Later, I found that a former director was a collaborator. There were indications that she knew what was going on and did nothing.
DeleteThank you for fighting for justice for all of us. I imagine there is not one person here who just wants to work in jobs that we know can help other people.
ReplyDeleteI only hope the few managers don't get made the scape goat for the dozens of incompetent managers.
P.S those survey results are amazing and if this was any other state heads would roll but instead the managers think it's pretty funny and are taking the mickey out of the website
I first got sick in 2012 during a stint working bush in the NT. I really did not know what was happening to me, and I doubt I will ever be able to find sufficient words to say how I felt. I did not know I was being “bullied” because I did not know what being “bullied” was. All I knew is that my self esteem and self worth had completely crashed. I went from being a confident, happy nurse to someone scared to go to work. I really believe no one can understand what it is like to be in the dark hole of depression unless they have been there. Nothing is rational in this space. The only way I can describe it is like being Alice in Wonderland. Nothing makes sense. It actually hurts to live. It was only when a friend sent me a medical article on the psychological impact of bullying that I realised what was happening to me. When I went back to work after my first major depressive episode I told my supervisor what had happened and explained that I felt if I did not have to work with the “bully” that I would be alright. The response was to insist I work more closely with the “bully” and to increase my contact with this person.
Deleteclinicians are not ashamed to admit we aren’t perfect. We are ashamed to be part of a community where our colleagues are treated so badly by other “human beings” that suicide is the only escape. If speaking out against this is “whinging”, so be it. Personally I am sick and tired of bullies and those who condone this narcissistic behaviour. Good on you mister men. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. We are all sick of it.Why can they not hire some decent people as managers? Why do they hire such bullies and then protect them? where are the freaking union on this? Nowhere as always.
DeleteThe ANMF are useless in these matters. Completely and utterly hopeless. by not supporting members they have contributed to the creation of what we have now.
DeleteIn the end you have to decide what is important. Each of our personal cases are horrific, but in my opinion the possibility of a successful investigation into “bullying” is limited by the fact that people simply do not understand what “bullying” is. If we are ashamed or frightened to speak out then the “bullying” behaviour that I believe is endemic at NT remote health will never change. I am not ashamed that I have a mental illness (depression) caused by them. I am not ashamed of being a victim of bullying. I am ashamed that I have seen other colleagues bullied and never stood up to support them. Now I know how horribly they suffered. Not speaking out made me no better then the bullies.
DeleteI agree 100% with this blog - when you don't have a job anymore, have lost friends, can't work in your chosen profession, have been ostracised by former colleagues, acquaintances,etc, then you are empowered because everything has been taken from you except your integrity. Workplace bullies often feel threatened by the abilities of the victim - now they should be even more frightened when the victim, instead of vanishing as the bully had hoped, becomes stronger and more purposeful! Never underestimate the anger and determination of a victim with little left to lose.
ReplyDeleteGreat that there is now a place for us to read about these bastards who go about ruining peoples' lives. Thanks mister men.
Deletegreat stuff mister men. always love to see the truth about the bastards who 'manage' the service in the NT.
ReplyDeleteLets hope there is more to come and these maggots.
DeleteIf only there was a way for all the victims of bullying in remote health to come together without fear and take their message as a collective to management. What happened to the Union investigation into bullying? It was reported that it was a real problem from their data collected.
DeleteThe bullying management approach at the NT department of health is top down. I work with some of the department's highest managers and I have seen how they deal with people who speak out or dare to have a different opinion then they do. They are labelled trouble makers, useless employees and often crazy. My observations are that if you dare speak out you might as well start looking for a new job. You will be easily replaced, usually with a buddy of the person who systematically gets rid of you.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is top down. That is how they solicit complaints and collude with each other to fabricate complaints.
DeleteThanks for shedding light on a most important topic that is often overlooked. Many people often disregard some of the subtler signs you noted, but these more subdued acts of bullying should not be taken lightly. Random mood swings and criticism can be hurtful. It is important that individuals always use constructive feedback if something is askew or not done properly. Furthermore, individuals should only address others when they are calm and thinking rationally. Acting on emotion and not thinking about the wording you use can come across in the form of bullying.
DeleteIf people lacking confidence feel threatened by others, who may be more capable and appreciated than even themselves, they may react in harsh ways. Insecurity is often the root of bullying-like behaviors, and the more we discuss this in working environments, hopefully we will see fewer examples of bullying. But we cannot forget that sometimes superiors - who may have no familiarity with tools to build a stress-free workplace - are at fault for the bullying. The more we can have these dialogues about bullying, and exposing the harshness that often lay dormant, the more we can take a stand on this unfortunate topic.
The HR tactics you identify are spot on. There are others, however. One is to LIE to the OCPE when grievances are lodged. One executive director is especially proud of doing that. Another is to diminish the complaint even when it is evidenced to attempt to trivialize it. And the tipping off of managers complained about is almost so common that it is weird if it doesn't happen.
ReplyDeleteAll in all it is a very dishonest and deceitful place to work.
DeleteGreat work. I love how the mister men are revealing the truth and the reality behind this malignant organisation.
ReplyDeleteI concur.
DeleteThe NT health department loves to refer to the policies but the policies are just there for show because very few people actually follow them when there is recruitment and promotion irregularities, cover-ups, etc. As long as there is a policy... everything is fine.
DeleteThe thing is, it isn't fine. It's far from fine.
Bloody excellent work. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has any problem at NT Health they are encouraged to make a complaint (according to the policies). BUT when you make a complaint and give written proof, your proof is discarded purely on the basis of the bully lying to the complaints investigating officer. So their word is law and no amount of proof will change the outcome which will always be in the bullies' favour.
ReplyDeleteanother example of the lack of management accountability in nt doh which leaves our colleagues open to bullying and career "icing" as it has come to be called.…
ReplyDeleteIF you get your HR FILE, don't be surprised with the lies and malicious BS it contains.
ReplyDeleteJust read my file and copies emails from HR AND the manager named in my complaint...full of cover ups, lies and even the OCPE was scathing of the manager and his version....BUT no action taken. The manager was even told of my suicide attempt and being in cowdy ward from the psychological injury of the harassment...so if you make a complaint and are on leave prepare for. Long fight and to hanging your dignity and hurt out for all to see....HR was great until they realised the couldn't make a case against the manager. Beware making a complaint, it takes a STRONG person to survive them process..."..and HR drop the case as soon as they can't find hard evidence.
OMG!!!!! How can it continue, I have lived the nightmare and witnessed the full cover up system in top and and experienced the horrendous backlash from clinic managers, area managers and Hr, and when I was sooo close to a win I was moved on (forced) to another location with the lead up that that manager "could "deal with me" till I cracked!!! obvious industrial sabotage should lead to the perpetrators be charged as there behavior and insane skills are at a criminal level