Saturday, 15 August 2015


Prior to about 1985 child sex abuse did not exist in Australia.

At least, in the minds of the general public, successive governments and the health and social professions it didn't. In reality, of course, it was widespread.

Great efforts were made to ignore it and suppress any mention of it. And what has become apparent I so many historical cases, is that the truth was quite deliberately, ignored and suppressed.

This collective establishment denial enabled predators like Robert Hughes and Rolf Harris to act unimpeded for years. And, it allowed institutions entrusted to provide safety and shelter for vulnerable children, such as the catholic church, to facilitate and protect the actions of the numerous paedophiles held within its ranks.

To make matters worse, testimony from the current Royal Commission reveals that people who spoke out in support of abused children frequently suffered as a result.

Common tactics deployed against these whistleblowers included false allegations, attacks on their mental health, loss of employment and black listing. Meantime, the establishment denied any wrong doing, protected the perpetrators and more children were abused as a result. 

This pattern, of institutional abuse, followed by sham investigation, denial and cover up is broadly similar to the pattern of bullying abuse that the mister men have identified in the northern territory department of health.

The sham investigation is conducted by human resources. The aim of it is, at the very least, to diminish the seriousness of the allegations and make the complainant go away. But, as our recent independent survey found, human resources will often, if not always, in the first instance, ignore the complaint.

The results of the investigation will trivialise the complaint leading to a denial that the misconduct ever took place.

This in effect, completes the cover up. By this time, of course the perpetrator is fully aware of the investigation and plans for a time when reprisal action can be taken against the complainant.

The investigatory process, to protect the organisation from reputation harm is followed by further abusive conduct. This is why the managers who bully staff in the northern territory department of health have been getting away with it for years.

We have found that senior managers are aware of the problem yet have done nothing to resolve the issue. In addition, most of the bullying is perpetrated by managers. We also found that clinicians are so disheartened by the shoddy process that they'd prefer not to use it.

 Human resources appears to be the mechanism of choice for covering it all up so that it can happen again. And the perpetrators – who in the main are managers - get a sense that they can operate with impunity. And they can.

And from our independent survey more than 85% of staff confirmed that the human resources department are essentially, crap.

Sticking to the theme, here are a few emails that we have received;

'The reason that I decided to write to you is to tell you how widespread the problem of bullying in remote health actually is. I'm an agency nurse and I must have done 30 contracts over the past few years in the NT. The stories that I hear are appalling. If I did not keep hearing them as I go from community to community, I'd not believe them…….there are so many frightened staff out there.'

As our recent study showed over a third of staff who responded state that they being bullied right now.

'I know of one girl who spent thousands defending herself from false allegations made about her mental health by a manager and the nursing director in one of your stories. She nearly lost her registration because of it. Managers use mandatory notifications to AHPRA as a weapon to attack people they or their cronies don't like.'

The attack upon this person is well known to us and we'd venture, many others. The mister men know who it happened to, who the lawyer and legal firm are who were engaged to defend the nurse from this and how much it cost. We even know who printed off the AHPRA notification form inside Casuarina Plaza. Because just like our readership, we are insiders.

Management attacks upon the mental health of targets are common. The mister men are aware three cases and we will report on these in due course. In addition, the media reported on another here in early 2015. We know that last year, one nurse subjected to this process packed up their dreams and left Australia for good. 

'I was employed as a stand in manager and on my first day the district manager told me the person I was replacing was 'crazy' and she would like me to write a report about what I found at the clinic. A few days later, I called the permanent manager up whilst she was on leave and warned her what I'd been asked to do. What kind of a person is that district manager to go about soliciting complaints in that way?'

The soliciting of complaints is standard practice with some district managers. The mister men have evidence of this as well as evidence of two former directors of nursing engaging in the same misconduct.These are the tactics of the witch hunt.

'He drove out from Alice and threatened me. He told me, 'I can get rid of you any time I like and there is nothing you can do about it.' Of course he made sure there were no witnesses when he said it.'

The perpetrator has recently been promoted into a new position in Central which was never advertised or open for others to apply. He is well known for his nepotism, petty holding of grudges and sense of arrogant entitlement. Others have written to us to report his use of exactly the same cowardly and spineless tactic.

Recently,the mister menpublished the results of two independent surveys which we undertook canvassing the views of 180 clinicians across the territory. For those of you who have not seen the results, they can be found hereand here.

The results from these studies led us to conclude that this is the worst health department in the country. Bullying is as rampant as the cover up culture.

A third of survey respondents reported that they were being bullied right now.

Once the first survey results were released by us, Raelene Burke, so called senior director of human resources immediately went into denial mode releasing dismissive comments as reported in the NT News.

NT Media Censorship Officer Teflon Len
Not long after, in a pathetic attempt to restrict the impact of another negative story, readers comments were lifted from an NT News article on request from the health department. Fortunately, we had already saved the deleted comments and we reproduced them here.

Later, when we reviewed other negative stories published in the paper, we discovered that this wasn't the first time this had happened. And, we found it strongly correlates to the arrival of Teflon Len as CEO. 

So its just as well we are here to ensure media censorship doesn't apply to all.

And unlike Teflon, we believe in transparency when it comes to accountability and governance in the health department.

Interestingly, since Teflon Len arrived as the political pick of the CLP, cronyism appears on the rise too.

Perhaps one of the most cruel yet standard tactics the human resources department use to crush complainants is delay.

Time and again we have discovered that this tactic is used in the hope that the complainant will give up and go away. Recently we received an email from a nurse who was kept waiting for a response from human resources to a complaint for over 18 weeks. During this time the nurse was referred to a psychiatrist by their GP who recorded mental health deterioration to the point of suicidal ideation.

Before Burke snorts more derision our way, we'll add that we have seen the medical record. That's a clinician who sought fairness from the health department and ended up suicidal because impartiality was not forthcoming.

So take a bow you hopeless, heartless HR bastards at the northern territory department of health.

Our conclusion therefore in respect of the HR department is this: Do not ever trust them. Do not meet with them, speak with them, write to them or communicate in anyway with them unless you have sought prior legal advice. 

Dealing with them on your own will damage your health. They are inept, useless and biased. Read our independent surveys for further information.

They are only there to protect the organisation and not to deal impartially with you. Our independent survey results incorporating the views and experiences of 180 health department employees proves it. 

A Little Bit of News

1. The mister men are aware that  the elections are but a year away. We are looking at supporting an anti sleaze candidate standing in Port Darwin - Elferink's ward. 

We are getting a bit fed up with his cynical approach to important issues of the day, such as him secretly appointing his mates into positions that rely on impartiality. 

The potential election candidate is a respected local GP. 

2.  We readily admit there is more to life than numbers. However. Two days ago this blog reached 20,000 page views. This means the articles have been open and read more than 20,000 times in less than six weeks. 

This is becoming something of a movement. 

So please keep sharing our blog with your colleagues and we'll keep giving you the information that the health department don't want you to have.

Until next time


the mister men

Please support HPARA

Please support CARDFIGHTBACK

Please share us with your colleagues;

Email is

We love feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts, views and opinions.


  1. My own experience would appear to parallel those above. False allegations, closely followed by a threat to report me to AHPRA if I didn't do what they dictated in support of those falsities. My refusal to accept began a 9 month period of abject hell whilst I defended myself. A colleague who spoke out in my support was threatened with termination should she continue.

    Total cost? $19,000 unrecoverable dollars in legal advice, very near my relationship and a long term bitterness and mistrust that will never ever pass.

    1. This is a culturally rancid organisation. Fortunately, I only worked for them for a few months before realising how toxic the joint was. Sounds like I had a very lucky escape.

    2. Stand up to them18 August 2015 at 00:04

      What keeps a bully strong is power. A bully only has power if they think they have something they can still take from you. For most victims of bullying there comes a time when there is nothing else the bully can take, and then the outcome can take two paths. Realising they have nothing, the victim is destroyed, or realising they have nothing to lose the victim is empowered. Nothing is more frightening to a bully, then their empowered victim.

    3. Awful story. Not the first we have heard along similar lines. Email us for further private discussion if you wish. Thanks.

    4. Join the club!

  2. I'll vote for them. Heck, i'll even go door knocking for them. Anything to kick the awful and arrogant Elferink out of his job. Lets hope he takes Teflon Len with him.

  3. As always - SHARED. Thanks so very much for exposing these liars and cheats for what they are. My best friend lost her career thanks to them.

    1. Me too. Great work Mister Men.

    2. woo hoo 20,000 views. go the mister men.

    3. huge round of applause, what a milestone. CONGRATS.

    4. SHARED. Another brilliant article. Long may this continue.

    5. We think the huge interest shows the anger directed toward the organisation. It's built up over years. This blog has been a long time coming.

  4. This is no doubt an organisation for useless bastards to hide in and bully clinicians. My own bitter experience tells me so. I'll support anythng that tries to put a stop to it.

    1. cas plaza insider16 August 2015 at 07:12

      The interesting thing about these stories is the accuracy of the content. They often mention that which 'da management' thought they had swept under the carpet. Clearly, there is a leak.
      From my own point of view, the distressed looks on the faces of managers caused by these stories who hang at Cas Plaza is a personal joy to behold. The fun is that they know who they are about and everyone else knows who they are about too. Everyone pretends not but everyone knows. It's great. Such fun.
      What is so troubling for the organisation is that they are true.
      The other pleasure I'm getting, and I'm sure others are too is that this has been a long time coming. Secretly many of us have been wishing for this for years. Some of the comments I have heard over time about various individual nurses were disgusting. It was hard to comprehend particularly as the manager commentators were mostly all once nurses too.
      Calls for support, assistance, emergency leave, riots, violence toward staff and so on, were as a norm met with annoyance and at times hostility. I can honestly say, from what I have seen and heard, pretty much EVERYTHING seemed to be an issue or treated as evidence of an individual personal failing on the part of the caller. I've also heard them laughing at what were deliberate attempts to make life in remote communities as hard as possible for people they didn't like.
      Over the years, I have been as gutless as everyone else. I have done nothing and often looked the other way. but the threat that looms over people who do speak out is career destruction at the very least.
      So well done to you people. You mister men. You heroes. All of the usual rumours and innuendo are being spread around about you by the usual muck rakers that inhabit Cas Plaza.
      But the truth (such a rare thing in remote health) is that many of us are delighted with what you are doing and hope that you keep it up for as long as possible.

    2. anti sleaze candidate16 August 2015 at 22:08

      Loving the idea of an anti corruption anti sleaze candidate standing against Elferink and knocking him off his perch. Even better if it was a health professional who did it to him. We are all wondering who it is who would stand against him. Keep up the great work. Information is power. The bullies have gone real quiet since this web site was released.

    3. Not the first to say it cas plaza insider. And not the last to wish for the truth either.

  5. You think it won't happen to you? And then it does and you get dragged into sheer hell defending yourself from a pack of liars. Natural Justice - forget it with those pigs. It's all done on gossip in Cas Plaza between HR and the useless spiteful managers located there.
    You will get no right to respond. You will get sickwith stress and worry. And they will just keep coming. They lie and lie and lie.
    It is only matter of time before someone kills themselves because of them.

    1. "Our conclusion therefore in respect of the HR department is this: Do not ever trust them. Do not meet with them, speak with them, write to them or communicate in anyway with them unless you have sought prior legal advice. "

      ...same as NT Education Dept.

      Blabbermouth Phil Brennan was right - "It’s just like Dept of Education, the Dept of Health do what the fuck they like. I love Darwin! What a bunch of fucking losers!"

      ....and we are as long as we keep letting them get away with this! :(

  6. 'Common tactics deployed against these whistleblowers included false allegations, attacks on their mental health, loss of employment and black listing. Meantime, the establishment denied any wrong doing, protected the perpetrators and more children were abused as a result.'

    These people are heroes. It's brave to whistle blow. The nt health dept will have to get used to it until they mend their ways.

    1. All those things happened to Stephen Ferguson when he became a whistle-blower against the NT Education Dept.....except the "more abused children" part.

      Although, they did more things than that to him!

      For the fake mental health allegations, see here first:

      then look at "HH Mental Health 03"

    2. "HH" stands for Hylton Hayes, now ex-Director of School Performance, recently relieved of his high paying job for being openly discussed on Facebook for rooting one of the principals he was supposed to be managing performance for. He was also the boss of the death threat principal at the time Ferguson was at that school....then he goes and later threatens to get a gun licence to deal with him in the "HH gun licence" emails.

      His wife, Susie Hayes, works as a teacher.

  7. 3 things the health department are scared of;
    1. The law.
    2. The media.
    3. The truth

    1. and one other,,,,,,,,,,,, witnesses. Because the managers are cowards and bullies.

    2. We need to be prepared to stand up to them and make sure we are witnesses for each other.

  8. "'He drove out from Alice and threatened me. He told me, 'I can get rid of you any time I like and there is nothing you can do about it.' Of course he made sure there were no witnesses when he said it.'"

    ~~ which is why you should ALWAYS carry a small digital recorder, EXACTLY for times like this.

    See CARDFIGHTBACK for details:

  9. Question....Who is pulling HR strings to allow them to operate in this manner???

    1. A corrupt organisation led by bullies and their cronies. Steer well clear.

  10. Once again another great article! How does someone get promoted into a job that not only didn't exist until he wa promoted into it and as far as I know never advertised (maybe because he wouldn't stand a chance if the merit principle was applied)
    OCPe and Sue Korner please explain? Thought the board was going to be another avenue for checks and balances to improve things but apparently not.

    1. Explain? - don't you mean lie?

  11. the management. they exist to protect them.

  12. I agree only then will people feel safe enough to also name them

  13. Media Censorship Officer Teflon Len


    1. Sorry but I did laugh out loud this week at Teflon's new moniker as I/C media censorship. Very apt considering the mess he made of his time as hospital super of the RDH a few years ago. I thought they shoved him into the trauma centre to get rid and to stop the screw ups? They thought it best to pander to his enormous ego. Let's see how this plays out. It should be fun to watch from afar. Toward tears is my honest assessment. It's a sinking ship. Glug glug glug. The mister men project will be causing consternation up on the fourth floor. Looking at the array of, erm talent, there, it won't take much to press the buttons of the lunatics running the asylum. Keep up the good work.

  14. Fingers crossed Notaras and his merry band of henchmen read this.

  15. Even keeping a diary of bullying event didn't help me....wish I'd thought of a voice recorder....but each bullying event ( daily) leaves you more parralyzed. Then when the management have worn you down they question your mental health.....I look back now in total disbelief at what they did to me. I was driven to suicidal thoughts. After leaving Central my life and careerflourished

    1. A cause is difficult to fight alone. Get help from others. I drew colleagues to my cause, and together we were able to confront the bully and hold them accountable for their actions.

  16. A lot of people thought when the previous remote health director got booted to HH and then out the door that things would change. She was well known as being incredibly spiteful to those she did not like. But it didn't because the leadership above is all NT inbreds who have a vested interest in the status quo.

  17. Recovered Victim16 August 2015 at 22:10

    So I worked for this organisation until a few years ago. I reported a group of people including a manager who were brewing their own beer on clinic premises in a dry community and I even took photos of it. That was the biggest mistake of my professional life. It was all covered up and then the bullying started. I took it for about six months and then broke down. My elderly parents came up and helped me pack because I was too unwell even to do that myself.
    Luckily, I got out just in time before I got really sick. There is nothing worse than being made into a victim. I have a mate who still works for them and the same managers are still there doing the same things to whoever they decide they wish to go after. Knowing what they are like, anyone who has been bullied them has my undying sympathy.
    It's a cruel place run by cruel people. I wouldn't recommend anyone working for them.

    1. No doubt they are flying under the radar at present. Waiting until the coast is clear. And then they will start again with their office gossip which mysteriously becomes 'the truth' and repeated ad nauseum until no one remembers that they made it all up. It is the same pattern over and over. Sadly it is all they know. I hope they enjoying this blog. They surely earned the recognition over the years.

  18. Totally agree with the nature of the management at Cas Plaza. They are completely unsupportive of staff working out in the field. Until the org gets rid the stench will remain.

    1. So glad I left that terrible organisation behind. I tell anyone considering it – stay where you are. It just is not worth it.

    2. I managed three months working for them. I couldn't leave fast enough.

    3. You are not the only one!

  19. I witnessed the managers of remote health storm into a clinic and wreck it for absolutely no reason at all other than they could. It was a well functioning clinic serving the community with dedicated staff. Tactics included letting it run short staffed, making ridiculous accusations, false allegations, encouraging tale telling on the manager, offering the managers job to one of her staff if he would 'grass on her' and make complaints, spreading rumours so far and wide that they set into facts and ignoring her emails and phone calls when she called them asking for help. As a GP I looked on in complete dismay at how supposedly senior and experienced nurse managers treat their own. It was unbelievable. When I reported my concerns to the SRMP he told me to stay out of it or I'd not get another contract. The AMA were hopeless too. It's an organisation that needs desperately to be sued to effect change. Many of us said that at the Friday meetings. But the problem is, are the NT judiciary as bent as THS? In the banana republic of the Northern Territory, they very well could be. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I wasn't the only one. Never again and never recommended to colleagues who have considered. I actively try and talk them out of it.

    1. former (bullied) remote GP18 August 2015 at 23:09

      Me too. A recruitment crisis of their own making looms. And well earned too.

  20. I wish you would name them mister men. They have been doing it for years.

  21. Of course those of us who have worked for them for a relatively long time also know what the organisation is like. My colleague who says these things are discussed in the Friday meetings is correct, but they are only in hushed tones. We know that some of our colleagues are exposed to the tyranny and methods that the nurses put up with all of the time. We also know that if we speak up too loudly, they will come after us as well. Two remote GPs had their complaints discussed in the Legislative Assembly to absolutely no avail. If anything it sped up their own demise. But it really says something that it was discussed in parliament I the first place. Clearly, there is an underlying inability or unwillingness of the organisation to accept critique from its clinicians and work with them to improve matters. Those of us who know this work with the understanding that there is no 'support' and that there is no one who will listen and there is no desire for change from the management who run things in a way that Idi Amin might appreciate.

    1. In the double speak of the THS 'support' is code for, 'we are going to get you, mate'.

    2. Of course it is wrong Dr Bollocks. As you say, it is not only a matter of individual evil in the health department, it is systemic. That is not justify the practice of the bullying of targets, but to explain why I think it is more common today than in it used to be. But you don't have to do it. You will if you are an unprincipled bastard and the systems in place will help you and cover it up for you.

    3. Agreed doctor Z. These bastards can barely say 'we were following orders'. It's an organisational culture thing as much as a personality thing. At the end of the day we all make choices about what kind of colleague we wish to be as well as what type of human being we want to be dealing with the outside world. Having met Notaras on a few occasions now I am always taken aback by his fake humility and elevated opinion of himself. It was as though somehow he was 'called' to the position of CE. Mind you i thought Moffet was equally ambivalent and hopeless. The only way any change will come to the NT is to effect cultural change and that will not arrive voluntarily of that we can be certain.

  22. And don't forget the secret black lists they keep of undesirables. I remember the SRMP telling me that he wasn't going to renew Dr X because he didn't have post grad in trop med. What?? A quick call to Dr X confirmed that he did and was likely the only GP in the NT who had it. Underlying the whole thing was a personal disagreement with the boss. Not the only case in point either. Not to be trusted under any circumstance. All the action happens behind the back. Stab proof vests are essential.

    1. Universal precautions are full body armour in the NT DoH. Everyone knows that.

    2. Yes it's been known for years central rh keep a black list which makes sure anyone not liked is not offered work. Bet if the new GM asked if this was true all her big bullies would say no and stick together and deny!
      The managers n Alice springs and tenant creek should hang their head in shame for causing so much hurt to those who are just trying to do their job. None of them are good at their job and would NEVER get a job any where else.

    3. O I don't know. There are a few filthy toilets that staff cannot seem to be recruited for in the remote centres around the top end. I was planning on doing a pictorial on them in my autobiography after the chapter on hotel Club Sandwiches from Around the World. I'd happily give up on the idea if some of the senior management were issued toothbrushes and a gallon of bleach. Shall I 'Tell Len'?

  23. My name is Anne. I did not set up this web page but I am grateful to the people who did. One of the most difficult things I had to deal with being a victim of bullying at the NT health department was being ostracized by those I felt were friends and colleagues within the organisation. It is hard enough dealing with the bullies, but when those you trusted turn a blind eye to what is happening you are really put into a place that makes you feel like you are alone. I often wonder whether these people would be like those in other places and times who turned a blind eye to other atrocities’ like treatment of the blacks under apartheid, the gassing of the Jewish during the war etc etc. It is only when people stand up and say that this behaviour is not acceptable can there be change. It can not be the victims alone that fight, but the community as a whole. For those of you that are being or have been bullied, you are not alone. Use this website as a place to tell your stories.


    Three quarters of medical students are taught by routine humiliation in hospitals with almost all students witnessing some form of mistreatment, according to a new study.

    The report, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, found many students were disgusted by their treatment and some regretted entering the medical profession.

    I wonder whether it is the case of some [people] do not know how to educate in any other way.
    Unnamed medical student

    Dr Karen Scott, a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, said the anonymous survey of 146 students detailed yelling, shouting, cursing and swearing at students on clinical rounds.

    "The most prevalent behaviours reported were intimidating questioning styles and subtle behaviours, including teachers being nasty, rude or hostile, or belittling or humiliating students," she said.

    But close to half of the students believed the humiliation was beneficial to their careers while most believed doctors were perpetuating a culture of "toughening up" students.

    "I understand they think it's good for character and learning, but it just demoralises you and makes you feel defeated and disheartened and not want to show up," one student said.

    Another student said there was a culture of "bastardisation" in the medical profession and the humiliation was impacting on morale.

    "Had I known it was like this I would never have given up a good job that I loved to do medicine," the student said.

    The study found nurses and midwives were commonly named as perpetrators with students reporting the humiliation as "ubiquitous" across all professional groups.

    "When thinking about abuse as a cultural matter our attention must be directed toward the culture of hospitals and all health care professionals, not just medicine or medical education."

    Dr Scott said the report surveyed medical students in Melbourne and Sydney although the findings were universal and consisted with other studies.

    Australian National University Medical Students' Society president Chris Wilder said the humiliation was commonly discussed by students and was a cause for concern.

    "If I turned up to university tomorrow and talked to students, I don't think too many would think the results are far off the mark, and that's scary," he said.

    "From the people I have spoken to about these issues, there is a disgust and disappointment that this is still occurring."

    The report found humiliation was a part of a culture or traditional practice in the medical profession, with the authors referencing the competitive and hierarchical nature of the industry.

    "This is still part of the medical culture though I think it is reducing," said one student. "I wonder whether it is the case of some [people] do not know how to educate in any other way."

    Mr Wilder said there was an acceptance that students must learn to cope with pressure early in their careers, although many were beginning to question the merits of "toughening up" tactics.

    An ACT Health spokeswoman said culture was of the utmost importance in hospitals and the report was welcomed by the government.

    "It is good to see this topic of inappropriate behaviour and culture being openly discussed to bring about practical change," she said.

    Dr Scott said the mistreatment of students required long-term action from hospital management in coming years.

    "The profession and the discipline of medical education would benefit from research to understand the complexity of factors that allows the cultural practices to be perpetuated and to identify ways to shift the culture," she said.

  25. Love reading the posts and comments on here. Well done. Excellent job.

    1. Me too. And it has spread like wild fire through the NT and inter state.

  26. Looking for a new job and saw one advertised for professional practice nurse and Del Hird was contact person as:
    Del Hird Director of Nursing and Midwifery Primary Health Care, Central Australia Health Service on
    08 8951 7801 or email
    Does anyone know f the positiion that del hird has been appointed to of DON (as it does not say she is acting) was advertised and merit process appliedI-or was she just given the job like her best bud Brycen brooke by brycen brooke and Sue kroner?
    I would of loved the opportunity to apply if it was advertised so I hope I didn't miss out!!!!

  27. Great Stuff M .... what about the dipshit Ashbridge and Vatskalis who set the groundwork for this shit hole ... its been years in the making .. rise up ... rise up ... Cleary, Ashbridge all of them they all contributed to the mess ... bullie me many many times in 07 -08 -09 -10 ... I can tell hair raising stories .... Powell as well mother F#%CS

  28. cas plaza insider23 August 2015 at 08:43

    Great to see these interesting comments and the involvement and scale of the responses. This is a group of managers who have been allowed to do whatever they like for years. They have answered to no one and got away with it. They have colluded and lied to their bosses. Their bosses have accepted what they have said presuming they hold the same ethical and moral standards that the most senior people do. But they never did. Essentially a bunch of second raters have been allowed to take over and they have approached every issue as a chance to flex their muscles. It would be funny if they hadn't damaged so many people in the process of holding on to power.

    Of course there can only be so much that the organisation will accept. They won't like this web page but they won't like the content more especially given that it happens to be true. Of course they wouldn't care two hoots if it doesn't have the potential to damage the organisation. Which it does. And it is.

    And of course, there is so much more to say on the subject. Me, just one person, knows dozens of stories about their antics and the dreadful cover up stooges in the HR department (the mister men are right – do not EVER trust them).

    Currently we have a static rusted on management team in remote many of whom hold positions whilst ticking off the days to retirement. They stand for nothing but their own selfishness. Managers? Innovators? Leaders? Let's not kid ourselves.

    I am going to enjoy posting on here from time to time.

    1. spill the beans you tease. sharing is caring.

  29. We especially enjoyed this article, mister men. By 'we' I mean me and my partner (who is a former senior clinician with THS).
    In the next few days we will email you some information concerning one person mentioned in the comments section.
    Hopefully it will be put to good use and expose another layer of bullying and rank dishonesty within the health department.
    All the best!

  30. Can't say I agree with all of the comments on here but at least I agree with most of them and the articles are very good and exemplify what is going on and what is wrong in the NT health department. Keep on keeping. An informed workforce is not what the bosses want. They exploit the lack of unity between us all and use it to their own advantage.
