Thursday, 16 July 2015


In addition to watching, listening and learning about the antics of the northern territory health department from what we and our colleagues see, we have been keeping an eye on the bigger scene by way of becoming avid media followers. 

There are some excellent young journalists at the NT News making good reportage and many seem keen to make a mark before they probably move on to further their careers in the larger population centres. Admittedly, they are being given a lot to play with due to the dysfunction in the health department, but we admire their willingness to go after the stories.

A few days ago, one of the Mister Men bumped into a medical colleague that she had not seen for several years at a cafe in central Darwin. Within moments her old friend was expressing his shock at the bullying stories he'd been reading in the NT News. Followig that we decided to colelct the headlines and will continue to post them below our stories on the main page. It's already a huge collection.

In relation to politics, bullying and the department of health, the following have written well; Ben Smee, Zach Hope, Conor Byrne, Maria Bilias and Jill Poulsen. They are young, hungry hacks writing concise, tight, accurate pieces that pack a punch. Christopher Walsh also deserves a mention for his recent articles in the past few months. Walsh is using Information Act requests to get to the bottom of the murky pond the government - and their mates in the public sector in the NT - wallow in. 

We'll write more about freedom of information soon.

We hope that this team can stick around for another wet season and continue to get the local news stories out that no one else appears to have the courage to write. The department of health have never once issued a denial that we have seen against any of the storiesthat the NT News has written of late.

It's a pity that the responses to the stories from the media office at the department of health have been so monosyllabic and devoid at times, of any sense at all. 

The Mister Men are also impressed with articles written by Bob Gosford in the online blog Crikey. Under the banner 'The Northern Myth' Gosfordhas given balanced and fair exposure to the underbelly of the political and legal fraternity in the territory. We like his calm style. He lets the words of others speak for themselves

We regularly read the addictive blog written by the team at CARDFIGHTBACKwith a mixture of horror and awe. CFB are a group of teachers and educationalists in the Northern Territory who have evidently become disgusted at the way in which the department of education is run. It's clarion calls for accountability and governance in its trademark industrial language articles are avidly followed and commented upon by its readership. It's a louder style than most but its gets its message out and has reported on several legal successes teachers have had against the DoE. We find it an inspiring and useful resource even for health related topics. Tactics deployed against DoE employees
are disturbingly similar.

Why is this? - well, teachers and clinicians are employed under the same Act, under the umbrella of the OCPE and the same legal service SFNT is used. Essentially the employer for both groups is the Commissioner, OCPE and the departmental chief executives answer to him. It's another good reason for health professionals to read CARDFIGHTBACK.

Nationally, we read the online news journal Independent Australia. Respected and worthy contributors there include the doctors Leong Ng, Paddy Dewan and Don Kane. They write well referenced and detailed articles with lots of interesting links and we consider all three contributors to be fearless in their desire to see change across the bullying paradigm in the health sector.

We strongly urge all to join HPARA. $25 is nothing in return for the support this organisation gives you if you fall victim to false allegations.  This is a multi disciplnary organisation set up to provide support to victims of false allegations which are used as a weapon to destroy clinicians. 

Recently, the eminent neuro surgeon Charlie Teo agreed to sit on the committee. Here is his 2012 Australia Day address.

HPARA's secretary is Jane Thompson. Read her story here.

Contact HPARA here;

One thing that we feel is missing is a more detailed analysis of what goes on in the department of health.We are certainly not getting that from the management.

If you follow or recommend media outlets, articles or journals to follow, please share and let us know. Our fully encrypted and safe email address is


The Mister Men


  1. great studd mister men. until recently there was hardly any bullying stories in the papers. its great too see people telling the media what is going on and it being reported. if there is one the health department hate it is bad publicity.

    1. friend of mr men16 July 2015 at 01:10

      Agree. It's empowering. Some of these managers induce terror when they arrive in a community.

    2. swarming out from the sitzler building jumpting into government cars and rushing up to intimidate any one they even think might object to their odious practices. Disgusting and shameful.
      thye will do anything for a bit of TA.

    3. o they do love a bit of wage padding TA that lot!

  2. It is well known that the CLP have been trying to control the media since they came into power. Thank you for the reading and media resources. Very useful to to be able to seek the truth in the territory in the public sector.
    I have such dminished confidence in the public sector that the only way to get even some of the truth is the media.
    It is a very sad state of affairs indeed.

    1. the vanishing work force16 July 2015 at 01:27

      I'll never forgewt Lambley denying it was going on last year. I expect they lied to her as well. Nothing would surprise me with this lot. and yes, this is good therapy and very empowering to hear of stories of the same thing going on across the org. I often wondered why people suddenly just disappeared and no one willing to discuss it. Now we know.

    2. now we are are BEGINNING to know.....

    3. LOL @ fatbastard

    4. HOW does anyone dictate to the NT News to cut the comments? What will the Government do? will they threaten to reduce Advertising? Reduce access to news items?

  3. Remote Area Nurse. top end.16 July 2015 at 01:21

    HPARA is a great idea. False allegations are a tool used by managers in the NT. As clinicians from all disciplines, we need to be organised and prepared to defend ourselves from this scourge. the organisation don't have a clue and mindlessly back the scum managers who do this without a shred of concern. HPARA have already reported on suicide by clinicians who have been attacked in this way. Let's hope it doesn't get to that point in the Nt before the useless and ineffectual Notaras does something to curb the power of the management. They need to stop pretendingt hat this is not going on. It is and it is HIS MANAGERS THAT ARE DOING IT.
    Join HPARA and see them off.

  4. Remote Area Nurse - top end16 July 2015 at 01:24

    Another great story. We need this. Thanks.

    1. We need to sahre this with all our colleagues no matter what discipline. One clinician being destroyed by these evil managers is one too many.

  5. Have been reading good things about HPARA and they are talking at a conference I am going to soon. I'll certainly join.

  6. This blog is already the anti dote to the evil in the health department. The pity is that the perpetrators are still there.

    1. no doubt being afforded the rights they denied to so many of their victims as well as the useless tossers in human resources to cover that managerial ass.

    2. natural justice16 July 2015 at 15:31

      still there because they will ensure they get the rights they denied to so many of their victims. and of course the useless human resources department will protect them. it sure is one sick organisation.

  7. John 'I'm all ears' Elferink is keeping very quiet, isn't he?

    1. busy planning anew job for a mate...

  8. the mister men16 July 2015 at 05:09

    Thanks. V useful.

  9. media manipulation16 July 2015 at 05:33

    Good to know that there are some parts of the media that the health department don't completely control.

  10. I just find these stories so shocking. They are beyond the realm of being made up. How could the health departmentin the NT allow such thugs into its leadership?
    What a disgusting outfit and what disgracegul leadership.

    1. this is the norm in the nt health department.

    2. They are the norm. This is the cuture and it won't change without pressure from below. I bet they hate this blog!

  11. While I welcome the developments (MisterMen, this Blog, media coverage); my experience working in the department informs me these developments will be a 'flash-in-the-plan', while the cockroaches/bullies in the Department will continue to survive. Name and Shame the Managers and also focus on the Middle Managers not just the executive (as there are some good people with clinical background).

    1. the mister men16 July 2015 at 21:35

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. the mister men16 July 2015 at 21:55

      good points succintly put

    3. good people in the executive? - are you for real? that's just another tier of do nothing ass coverers who have allowed the middle bunch to do what they like. The NT health department is top to bottom corrupt. As for flash in the pan - its been a pretty consistent news story line for well over a year. I've worked here for more than ten years and there has never been anything like it in the media. I work in OPD in RDH and all of us are following this with a lot of interest.

    4. Cardfightback has been going for almost 4 years now, people claimed it would be a flash in the pan too. They were wrong. Don't listen to the naysayers!

      But you are semi-right, bullies (some of them, some high profile ones did lose their jobs in Educ) are still there. And one, PHILSFACEBOOKFLOP BRENNAN, simply got given another one.

      The 'culture' will only stop when more people get legal help, choose a lawyer that loves to fight these pricks, and we drag these maggots into court....again and again and again....and keep doing it until they learn how to behave.

      FOI requests will help give you evidence for your case(s).

      I agree: 'naming and shaming' is a powerful strategy but it must be coupled with a LEGAL one or else it's just venting with nothing to back it up...and you're right, venting itself will do nothing to unseat those on high.

    5. the mister men18 July 2015 at 09:18

      Absolutely. The mister men are not in the business of witch hunts. We are not nt health department managers, you know..

  12. the irony being that if notaras ever grows a pair and sacks the middle management bullies, they'll be afforded all of the rights they denied to so many and probably get a pay out too.

  13. The power of requests for information under the Information Act is once again refelcted in the Nt News today.
    We know the health department hate sharing information about what they do. They want to suppress it.
    Give these requests serious consideration. You'll be amazed at what you might find.
    Expose them for what they are.


  15. I can't seem to reply to my own comment (posted July 16, 2015 at 5:36 pm). I maintain there is a need to name and shame the bullies ( be it Executive or Middle Management)-otherwise everyone will get tarnished in the same brush and no one is held accountable. Even the payout to get rid of these cockroaches is worth it. Being in the department, I see several staff, even those who were investigated for inappropriate behaviour, still working here. Also, I maintain not all Executive are bad-keep the good ones.


    2. the mister men17 July 2015 at 22:54

      we know that human resources conduct cover up sham investigations bt we cannot see that changing because a few decent sorts in the executive order it to. down the management food chain are people ensconced in well paid cushy positions who have a strong interest in the status quo - and we include directors in that. the exec also control responses to the media and those are hardly what could be desribed as transparent. We see cronies everywhere we look in the department of health right up to the top.

  16. Theirs names missing here! Namely Adam Giles and John Elferink and Gunner! I seriously suggest the MisterMen write to every MLA and get their stance on this issue. I would hate to be a MLA and NOT have a stance on the endemic bullying in the NT.

  17. a letter to Elferink would be a complete waste of time.

  18. Not if you mention how many votes he won by in the last election.
